Olive (Zeetoon) Oil Soaps are rapidly gaining awareness & recognition among people from all across the world. Made with pure olive oil, the sought after component in quality skin care products, olive oil soaps are known for their gentle cleansing and moisturizing characteristics. With proven therapeutic properties, these soaps make the skin fresh and soft

According to dermatologists, olive oil soap has found to be extremely beneficial for sensitive skin problems, such as dryness, eczema, paresis and many other skin afflictions. Made of olive, which is gentle, long lasting and durable, these soaps are highly mild, are non-drying to the skin, has a rich creamy leather, and last considerably longer than other soaps. Most of these soaps are completely biodegradable and organic and are made using only finest quality olive oil, essential oils, and natural colorants.

Olive Oil - Benefits in Skin Care:
Eating olive oil has found to be highly effective in reducing the incidences of cancer and blood pressure. It also aids digestion, delays the aging process of the different tissues and organs of our body and plays a vital role in the development of our brain with its abundance of Vitamin E.

olive oil soap

The low instances of skin cancer problems among people using olive oil and its widely known anti-oxidant properties have made the oil a preferred choice for skin care too. Skin cleansed with olive oil soap retains its resilience, moisture, suppleness and brightness.

Olive Oil for Soap Making
Oils or fats are saponified into soap by the addition of lye, which is neutralized during the process of soap making. Lye and olive oil are mixed with fragrances, colors and moisturizers, like glycerin. A lower grade of olive oil is usually favored for these applications, such as - pomace or pure oil, due to its economical price and saponification attributes. Good quality olive oil soap is generally made by the addition of natural colorants and edible oils.

The attributes and qualities of olive oil (ever since it was first introduced over 5000 years ago) has always been held in high regard in the Mediterranean regions of the World. The oil has excellent moisturizing properties, which promote a fresh natural glow through its quality to retain moisture, soften, hydrate, and revitalize skin. The Soaps made that are made using olive oil promotes the natural resilience and elasticity of skin, because the composition of fat is very similar to that of human skin. These soaps contain essential anti-oxidants, which function as internal cures for simple everyday ailments. Another property of these soaps is that these are absorbed quickly and doesn't leave a greasy film behind, thereby helping the moisture lock into the skin, leaving a soft and smooth skin.

Types of Olive Oil Soap
Different types of olive oil soaps are available in the market, which are made by mixing oil with different ingredients and products. Given below are some of the important olive oil soaps:

  • 100% olive oil soap
  • Olive oil and green tea soap
  • Olive oil and lavender soap
  • Olive and verbena soap

Buying Tips - Olive Oil Soap
While buying an olive oil soap, make sure that you buy a 100% natural soap, which is free from any harmful chemicals, preservatives and artificial coloring. Soaps that are made using the cold process method, should be preferred as they retain the natural minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other nutrients found in the Olive oil in addition to the glycerin that is generated as a result of saponification.

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