March 18, 2010 - Nowadays herbal beauty care products are quite a rage. And the big brands are heavily cashing on this herbal/ natural USP. Consumers are not really aware of what goes into the making of these products. But as a manufacturer it is the responsibility of the industrial fraternity to maintain the standards by using herbal products in their beauty care products.

Before anything else it is important to understand why are these herbal products so popular. What makes the consumers choose organic beauty care products over the regular beauty products ? The most important reason here is that with a high level of pollution in the air, the skin often becomes irritant and damaged. Chemicals further hurt the skin causing it to be allergic to a certain kind of chemicals, or in some cases to the complete lot of chemicals in the periodic table.

Also some people have a sensitive skin in general. Such skin reacts to any foreign chemical and therefore needs to be handled softly. This is why people nowadays are trying to keep close to the nature with these herbal or natural beauty products. They are safe and mild cleansers and skin enhancers. Products like neem(Azadirachta indica) and turmeric are easy medical remedies for a lot of skin problems.


Neem and turmeric are just two of the big list of natural ingredients to be used in natural beauty products. Herbs, beeswax, herbals oils, vegetable oils, vegetable extracts, herbal extracts, shea butter, honey, wheat, oat meal, gram floor, glycerin, milk, rose, sandalwood, fruit extracts, almond, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, sea salts and botanical preservatives are among a majority of the natural and herbal beauty care product constituents. Different combinations give us different results and utilities. Also the nature of the beauty product makes a difference to the pool in of these basic materials. The variants in a shampoo, would be different from the skin cleaning products vertical, depending upon the characteristics of the variant.

Apart from these, aroma essences and a huge, huge range of naturals oils are also used these days for fragrance and moisturizing effects. For example, olive oil, tea tree oil, juniper berry oil ,peppermint oil, lime, palmarosa extracts, eucalyptus, aloe vera, coconut oil, soya bean oil, cotton seed oil, etc. Each of these serve different purposes and kinds of nourishment. To add anti bacterial properties to your hygiene product stocks, tea tree should be used to make a soap or a cleanser efficient in fighting acne and pimples. Certain aroma oils and essences are also helpful in treating stress and insomnia to a large extent.

To be a trusted brand and earn a goodwill among the consumers, it is important to not deceive them with three drops of honey, rose water and almond oil each, but by delivering safe, effective and quality products always. All of these with a lot of consumer focus and pro active need derivation, go a long way in converting a switching consumer into a brand ambassador. Go organic and lead the change that leads to proximity with the nature.

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